I’ve been sitting here watching American Ninja Warrior while making these at home workout plans and I have to be honest… these plans probably won’t turn you into the next Ninja Warrior. They WILL, however, give you a great, targeted workout no matter where this summer takes you and that’s almost as good… right?
Personally, whenever I do workouts like these, I love to put on my favorite motivational show (guess which one I’m going to suggest now… wait for it…), like Ninja Warrior, because it helps both pass the time in a fun way and motivate me to keep going. Since it’s only 20 minutes try to really limit your rest time and push yourself to make it through. Remember you can always make modifications for whatever level your fitness is at right now. Too many push ups? Lower your knees. Russian Twists too easy? Add a weight. Find the ways to make these right for your body and your goals!
One last note before: like any fitness plan it’s SUPER important to make sure you’re treating your body right. Sleep, hydrate, fuel yourself with healthy food, do all the things to take care of your body so it can take care of you!
Okay, ready to get sweaty? Here’s the plans!